From the modest beginnings in 1966, we have come to long way. From the days of cent person manual production to the up to minute technology we have today mastered the art of engineering process and science of making quality international products and an object of desire for the fastidious.
Quality conscious to the point of being paranoid has earned us admiration and patronage of millions the world over. |
Our backbone and flagship company MACWEL TRADERS has been felicitated with the quality engineering products by the any leading exporters in India. Our managing partner Mr. N.F. Doshi for his outstanding quality product supplied to them.
Today, we have mastered the state-of-the-art technology and relentless R & D and stringent quality controls, we evoke winner of course by you, the importers and end user of our products. |
Man has, for centuries, sought a continuous improvement in whatever he does. some men, however, seem to seek it more than others. It is this FIRE to make things better, to do them differently every time, every day, every moment that distinguishes the winner from the alsoran.